Did you know that 2.5% of Swedish salaries goes to pension funds that invest in the extraction of oil, coal and gas?

Put pressure on the Seventh AP Fund to move your money out of the fossil fuel industry and into something that works towards a brighter, sustainable future.

Sign the pledge*

*Signing the pledge is limited to Swedish residents only.


how is mother earth doing?

Not well.

The last thing she needs is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, yet a large portion of our future investments are fueling exactly that.

By redirecting these funds from harm to healing, you can help reverse the trend.

Number of signatures multiplied by the average value of a Premium pension portfolio (based on public data from the Swedish Pensions Authority).


1 000 000 000 KR

About the initiative

What is Fund your mother?


Fund Your Mother is a newly launched Swedish climate collective dedicated to redirecting financial flows toward a more sustainable future.

The #Flyttapengarna campaign targets AP7, aligning with the global #MoveTheMoney movement.

Run by non-profits, this initiative is independent and not tied to any single organization.

What is the problem?

AP7 manages the premium pension for 5.5 million Swedes. The fund invests tens of billions in fossil fuel companies, including large oil companies that increase the extraction of fossil fuels and thus contribute heavily to the climate crisis.

What is the solution?

If AP7, Sweden's largest pension manager with over 1,000 billion SEK in assets, shifts its investments away from fossil fuels, that capital could instead support companies contributing to a sustainable future. Many other major fund managers have already made this move.

What is the purpose of this campaign

The goal is to highlight how Swedish pension money is quietly fueling the climate crisis, while empowering pension savers to make a difference.

By amplifying the voices of Swedish pension savers, we aim to pressure AP7 to change its strategy, divest from fossil fuel companies, and become part of the solution for a sustainable future.

Why does moving the money make a difference?

If we move our investments away from the fossil fuel companies, the money can instead be invested in companies that want to contribute to sustainable development and a society in line with the Paris Agreement. Every kroner invested needs to support the future we want to see. In addition, it sends a clear signal to fund managers and companies that large financial institutions take the issue seriously.

Why doesn't the argument to influence the fossil fuel companies as an active owner hold up?

For years, investors have tried to push fossil fuel companies to change course, but with little success. Most fossil fuel companies continue to expand extraction and show no real intention of restructuring their business models. Their profitability depends heavily on fossil fuels, making it nearly impossible for small shareholders to influence their direction.

The most responsible action, then, is to divest, because:

  • It helps shift industry norms by signaling that investing in fossil fuels is no longer acceptable.
  • It increases pressure on fossil fuel companies to change, as they will need to adapt to regain investments.
  • It frees politicians to regulate the industry more effectively when large investors no longer have financial ties to fossil fuels.
  • It redirects capital to green energy and other climate solutions, accelerating the transition to a sustainable future.
Who is behind the campaign?

The campaign is run by passionate people who run it on a non-profit basis. The money we have collected goes straight to producing campaign materials and creating visibility for the issue.


big thanks to ALL our friends

This campaign came to life because many of us shared the same belief—that society’s money must be moved toward a better future. We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who, like us, believes it’s absolutely crucial to make conscious choices and ensure their money is invested where it can make the greatest positive impact.